Logging On

Minden teachers can log onto PowerTeacher from any internet-connected computer, including Chromebooks,  by going to this web address:  https://powerschool.mindenwhippets.org/teachers/pw.html

Your PowerTeacher username is often the same as your district Network Login; usually that is in the format firstinitial/lastname for Jane K. Doe, her PowerTeacher username would be jdoe

Your password has been reset to a default; your principal will be given the new password for distribution. Change it to something SECURE as soon as possible.

Working With Classes 

The series of icons beside each class on the Start Page’s Current Classes screen allow you to take attendance, lunch counts, access student information, and create class reports.


There are three ways to take attendance: single daymulti-day, and on a seating chart. These can be triggered within PowerTeacher or by using the Attendance icon the toolbar of the PowerTeacher Gradebook..http://smart.tsc.k12.in.us/psresources/powerteacher/images-faq/attendance-take.jpg

Single Day Attendance

Clicking on a chair icon allows you to take attendance for a single class on a single day. The Single Day Attendance page appears (tabs allow you to switch to multi-day. 

  • Use the pop-up menu to select the attendance code you want entered for a student when you click in the box next to a name (or double-click the box beside a name for a pop-up menu).

    • If someone is absent, select A (Absent) in the pop-up menu, and then click the box to the right of each student to be marked absent. If someone is tardy, select T (Tardy) in the pop-up menu, and then click the box to the right of each student to be marked tardy. (Or double-click beside a name for choices.)

    • You can also select (Present) in the pop-up menu to remove an absent or tardy mark from students.

    • A comment icon might appear when you enter a code, allowing you to enter an attendance comment.

  • Click the Submit button to record your marks and return to the Start Page.

By default a student is present if no code is marked for them.  However, even if every student is present and on time you still have to go into the attendance screen and click the SUBMIT button so everyone is marked present. After you’ve taken attendance for a class, on the Start Page the indicator circle next to that class will change to green so you can tell at a glance if you’ve remembered to take attendance each period.

Multi-Day Attendance 

Clicking on a grid icon allows you to take attendance over a range of dates instead of only one day. 

  • Click Edit to select a date from the options provided:

  • Select Range, and then enter the date range to be used, or click the Calendar icon to select a date.

  • Select Reporting Term to choose an entire term from the pop-up menu.

  • Click Update to change the attendance date.

  • Then follow the procedures shown above under Single Day Attendance to select the attendance codes, etc.

Attendance with a Seating Chart

If you have created a seating chart for a class, you can click the chair with grid icon to pull up a seating chart.  You set the attendance code and click on student photos to apply it, or you can double-click on a photo to select a code from a pop-up menu.

NOTE: If you enable “Hide pre-registered students” under Settings > Display Settings in the PowerTeacher Pro gradebook, some student photos may appear shaded and cannot be displayed via the Add Students/Student Selection bar. In addition, students who have been removed from the seating chart for any reason display in the Student Selection bar. Student photos that display “OT” in the upper right corner indicates that the student is off-track and attendance cannot be entered.

Lunch Count

If your site uses this function for a lunch count each day, clicking on a knife and fork icon brings up a screen to enter and submit that information. 

Student Information

You’ll use this feature a lot.  Clicking on a backpack icon takes you to Student Information.

Alert Icons

When you pull up a Student Information screen, next to a selected student’s picture an Alert Icon may appear.  You can click or double-click on the icon to read the alert.